Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SC/Georgia Photos

Some photos and stories from the last few weeks:

York, SC.  Some of these historic men include: Confederate President Jefferson Davis, General Thomas Sumter, General Daniel Morgan and SC Author/Historian William Gilmore Simms.  And now Ukulele Performer/Bicyclist Aaron Lee.

I always enjoy riding past a farm that advertises grass fed beef and free range eggs.  Food has been a big theme of this trip and it's nice to see the source of what is probably some really good grass fed beef.  Mmmm.

Our Community Farm Project, a Multicultural Sustainable Urban farm run by Refugees from Burundi through Refugee Family Services.  In late November the farm is still producing hot peppers and other produce, but getting ready for winter.  It was great to get to take a look at the farm and then ride over to an amazing show put on by RFS and the Southeast Ukers at Fellini's Pizza.

I love public transportation and bicycles and in Atlanta, I was able to use a combination of the bicycle and the metro to be everywhere I needed to be for the weekend.  Public transportation and bicycle infrastructure have a ways to go in Atlanta, but they both work.  My challenge to Atlantans is to use the bicycle as transport -- by getting out there on your bike, you are promoting bicycle awareness among drivers.  Eventually the infrastructure will come.

Tropicana Orange Juice makes it's way north from Florida.   A great example of food in transit.  This trip has taught me to pay more attention to where my food comes from and how it gets from the source to the consumer. 

Cafe Campesino in Americus, GA.  This fair trade coffee roaster and cafe hosted the final show of the tour along with the Fuller Center for Housing.

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